The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce is proud to present awards to deserving community members each year.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to submit your nominations. Click here to see previous recipients.
The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 2024 Legacy
Awards. The awards recognize exceptional individuals who have left an indelible mark on the region.
There are four award categories:
The Triangle East Citizen of the Year recipient should be a citizen who, over the previous year, has:
- Consistently served the Triangle East region with outstanding ability and dedication
- Nominees should be people who have voluntarily given their time, talent and energies without remuneration
- Nominees do not necessarily need to be a member of the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce, but should be people who have made a commitment to the well-being and good quality of life of the Triangle East region
The Triangle East Lifetime Achievement Award recipient should be:
- A citizen or citizens who, over their lifetime, have consistently served the Triangle East region with outstanding ability and dedication.
- Nominees should be people who have voluntarily given their time, talent and energies without remuneration.
- Nominees do not necessarily need to be a member of the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce, but should be people who have made a commitment to the well-being and good quality of life of the Triangle East region.
The Jimmy Creech Small Business Person of the Year is given in memory of 1976 Board Chair Jimmy Creech who operated Creech’s Pharmacy in downtown Smithfield for over 50 years. It is presented to the outstanding small business owner in the community based on success, longevity and commitment to the community.
- The nominee must be a member of the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce in good standing.
- The nominee has staying power, has kept his/her business alive, prosperous and in continuous operation for at least one year.
- The nominee has shown evidence of business growth and has seen an increase in sales and/or employees.
- The nominee has responded to adversity, overcoming problems faced by the business and developing solutions to resolve them.
- The nominee shows evidence of citizenship, being involved in community projects, and/or public service and working in cooperation with other businesses.
- The nominee displays honesty, integrity and high level of business ethics.
The Triangle East Emerging Leader award recipient must meet each of these specific criteria:
- Nominee must not be 40 before the nomination year begins
- Contributions to the betterment of their community
- Impact on their business/organization
Paper copies are available at the Chamber office located at 1115 Outlet Center Drive Smithfield. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Nominations will be accepted until January 31. Awards will be presented at a dinner on May 29, 2025.